Spring is upon us. We want to take a moment and express our gratitude for your continued love and support through our closing, continuing litigation and rebuilding our brand. There is nothing in the world like having the support of our retailers, customers and friends.
We have missed you all. We receive emails daily from our partners and clients...and it is refreshing to know each of you miss us, as much as we miss you. We look forward to being able to get back to what everyone loves and that is our pickles! We have been working on a plan for rebranding and streamlining our process. We look forward to a bright future. During our time away from production , we have been able to reflect on our experiences, and know without a shadow of a doubt that will come back even stronger.
Please don't hesitate to reach out, drop us a line and let us know you are thinking of us. Please know that hearing from you all has been incredibly inspiring and touching.
Happy New Year...
the garnergirls!